Then write your code to check for and protect itself from that weird data. 然后,编写代码来检查这些恶意数据以保护自身免受这些数据的破坏。
It couldn't have been an easy meeting, the Prime Minister was summoned to explain just how vehicles full of explosives could get through check points that they are supposed to protect Baghdad. 这肯定不是一场轻松的会议,伊拉克总理被传召到议会解释,为什么装满炸药的车辆能够通过检查点,这些检查点原本应该保卫巴格达的安全。
Conversely, it is relatively easy for some minorities to check the will of the majority and to protect their interests. 反过来说,一些少数派倒容易抑制多数派的意愿并保障自己的利益。
When you are sending personal information over the Internet, it is a good idea to check the certificate of the Web site you are using to ensure that it will protect your personally identifiable information. 通过Internet发送个人信息时,最好检查正在使用的网站证书以保护个人识别信息。
According to the report, growing medicinal plants "can help check runoff and erosion, control flooding, purify water, and protect against wind". 根据这份报告,种植药用植物“可以有助于阻止(水土)流失和侵蚀、控制洪水、净化水和防风”。
Check to see if you can use a nickname, rather that your real name, to protect your identify. 检查一下看是否可以使用昵称,而不是你的真实姓名,以此来保护你自己的身份。
Judicial review principle has become an international procedure principle, namely the court make the national peremptory power perform the active role, to check the legality of it, to protect the individual legal right avoiding the illegal invasion of national peremptory power. 司法审查原则已经成为一项国际诉讼准则,即法院充分发挥司法权的能动作用,对国家强制权实施的合法性进行审查,以保障个人合法权益免受国家强制权的非法侵害。
Court debate can help find out the truth and make the sound judgement and ruling, it can also check the accused and protect the lawful right and interest of the accused and upgrade the quality of arrest approval and suing. 法庭论辩既可帮助法庭查明案情,以作出正确的判决,同时也有利于制服被告人和维护被告人的合法权益,提高批捕、起诉工作的质量。
This text introduce intelligent electrocircuit what direct current of batteries transform to 220v alternating current by rising volt, It has power cut check, timer turn off empty load, over loading protect. 本文介绍一种将电池直流电压升压后再通过桥路转换成交流220V电压输出电路,经PIC16F73单片机进行控制,使它具有市电掉电检测、空载定时关机、过载保护等智能的功能。
Scientifically check cadres to protect the land. 科学考核干部,促进农地的保护。
The starting point of this chapter is to consider about a kind of model that can form strong check and balance on the fund manager, to protect the interest of fund holders. 该章的出发点是考虑一种模型设置能够对基金管理人形成强有力的制衡,以保护基金份额持有人的利益。